I've had the biggest realization the other day and I was like "damn".....so I want to put this on my blog for everyone to read, maybe it'll help some of you and save you some time.
As a lot of people know, I was on the quest to get my IDEAL body. I was really close to it, a half inch away on various body parts from MY idea of my perfect body. I don't know if I've reached that goal or not yet, since I haven't gotten the chance to measure myself this month but I don't really care anymore.
I've worked my ass off, always watching what I ate, exercising like crazy, doing toning sets when I didn't feel like it, always ALWAYS thinking about my body image. Let me put this out there first; it does pay off. I'm really proud of what I've done and can see the difference from before.
But now my chest & butt got smaller from the weight loss and guess what? I was still not satisfied. To get it all back guess what I have to do? Gain weight. So I was thinking to myself, "after all that hard work for the past few months, I'm just going to have to gain weight again?" HELL NO. Because then I'd be back at square 1, wanting my ideal look. *sigh* I think that no matter what, you're never going to reach your "perfect" body unless you accept that your body right now is beautiful. No body is perfect. Then you can go on to working on shaping and tweaking to enhance it. All of my family members keep telling me that I've gotten too skinny and that my butt got smaller, etc. In my mind I'm not as skinny as I want to be. I can still grab a bunch of fat from my stomach so how can I be too skinny? But fine, I don't have a personal trainer, and my life isn't dedicated to working out 24/7 so I will never look like some famous ppl in magazines.
I'm not a photoshopped person, I'm real and I guess real people have fat. Which is perfectly fine.
I was so upset over it one day that I asked myself, "am I happier now or was I happier back then when I was curvier?" "Be slightly chubbier with a butt/chest or slim & slightly flatter?" "FLAUNT MY CURVES OR BE HAPPY THAT I'M THIN??"
Honestly both come with their own happiness. But personally I think I was a tad, teeennnssy bit happier a few months ago. And I should've been happier. Why did I stress over it so much? Why, whenever people complimented that I have an awesome figure, didn't I listen? Instead, I took all of the comments on how big my arms were and how fat I was to heart and let it rule my mind. Now that I think about it, I've gotten 39845345x more compliments than insults. Even to this day, after people comment on how I lost weight, they still add in "but you were already perfect before". I feel pretty stupid, and probably wasted a lot of time & energy over it. I took my body for granted, shame on me. Now I wish for it back. You gain some you lose some.
Ask yourself, do I really want this? And really think about it. If the answer is yes, then go for it and work hard. If not, be happy!!
Extreme weight gain and weight loss is very very unhealthy for you. I don't want to become like that, changing my mind all the time. You'll also get ugly stretch marks, which I already have =___= so annoying.
All teenagers, mostly girls, get VERY hung up over body image and go through hell trying to figure out what they want & what to do with their bodies. That's why I wanted to share this with everyone.
Just be glad you were born with every body part working effectively. Why always complain over fat calves when someone out there was born with none?
Eat healthy, try to stay active, put in your all when you're working out and you'll look fine. I hope I always follow my own advice. When I feel fat & not happy I'm going to remember that I wrote a blog entry about this! No more internal battles, I AM BEAUTIFUL!Please show your support by following my blog for more beauty & health related posts =)
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