This is the Butter London Horsepower Nail Fertilizer!
I never planned on talking about this product. It was just something I received after completing the training for this line at work, but it's so awesome that I wanted to share with everyone. If anyone paints their nails as much as me, he/she knows that nail polish does stain your nails yellow, especially if you use a dark color. When I'm at work people always ask me how to get rid of the yellow stain on their nails. First off, you can't get rid of it completely. If your nails are already stained then all you can do is wait until your nails grow out and cut them.
To lessen/prevent staining, rub half a lemon on your nails for a few minutes & wash. You can also buff your nails but again, the stain will only be lessened. To prevent, obviously skip a week or some time between painting your nails. BUT, I can't do that lol. When my nails aren't painted, I feel "incomplete" O_o. So I recommend this product for people who always always have to have their nails painted.
It works as a base coat as well =) Well, it pretty much is a base coat but it's loaded with extra ingrediants to help grow stronger nails. Not sure if that part works but all I know is that when I wiped off my nail polish, my nails weren't yellow. I've only been using this product for a few weeks and never really inspected my nails after I'd wipe polish off. This time, somehow, I did examine my nails and they were clear/pinkish as if I never painted my nails. So cool! It also applies really smoothly & lasts forever for some reason. I really really like it! I'm going to be so sad when I run out =( I know Butter London in general is pretty expensive for nail polish & stuff, but, you don't have to buy the nail colors [but they really do last a long time & apply very very well] just get the nail strengtheners & stuff. They also have their own polish remover [guess it removes polish really easily], and a moisterizing stick for people with cracked/dry heels.
This Horse Power Nail Fertilizer is $20 at all Ulta stores, prices vary at other places.
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