I've been blogging for over 5 years now.
Here, I will be doing reviews, tips & tricks on beauty, health facts, motivational posts, swatches, nail photos, and just ANYTHING related to beauty. My goal is to enlighten as many people as possible about things that sometimes are overlooked or never known about. I want to motivate people who need a little push as well as keep myself motivated. Every girl should always feel beautiful & happy. Where do I get all of my info from? Personal experience and reading TONS and TONS of articles.
Writing is my passion.
Makeup&health is my favorite hobby.
I will combine the 2 and hope for amazing opportunities.
I'm super excited to launch this blog!
To get it rolling, I will be posting as many reviews & health posts as I can from my personal blog [link is on the left sidebar] for you to see what this blog will be about.
Happy Reading & thank you for your support!
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